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THN Wiki
Neocron Wiki updated
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 30 August 2017

The software that runs the Neocron Wiki  has been ugraded to the latest version. At the same time, the infrastructure for the plugins and the wiki was completely overhauled to support the latest dev-ops working practices.

As a user you shouldn't spot any differences, but if something isn't working, you know what to do.

Also the first part of the works to migrate the wiki user DB to use the THN Account system has begin. More news when this is complete in the next few months.

Wiki pages cleanup and emails
Written by Brammers   
Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Today I did a cleanup of the User pages within the THN Neocron Wiki . I have removed any empty pages within the UserTalk namespace or the User namespace. Only pages that had a few edit on them with messages on the lines of “Welcome to the wiki” have been removed, and nothing of value has been lost.

However you may have received an email to say the page has been changed, and when you click to view the page, you get a message saying the page is missing. You can safely ignore this email and my apologies for the emails being sent.

If you want to view the deleted pages, you can by login into the wiki and going to your user page. The link to view or restore deleted pages will be there, and you can choose to restore them if you want.

Thanks goes to wiki user Ashrid for flagging up the emails being sent. Any questions or issues leave a message on my Talk Page.

Wiki upgraded
Written by Brammers   
Monday, 01 October 2012

The Wiki has been upgraded to the latest version of the MediaWiki software.

All pages should work normally. However if you spot something that looks odd or out of place, please either.

1. Leave a message on the Talk page of the wiki page in question.
2. Leave a message on my Talk page.
2. Post a message up in the forums.
3. Tweet us @techhaven.


Wiki registration suspended (Re-enabled)
Written by Brammers   
Sunday, 20 March 2011

Due to a problem with Spambots registered and spamming the wiki I had to temporarily suspended the ability to register on the NC wiki.

The good news, is this won’t be long since the latest wave of spambots don’t really have a clue how to hide the fact they are a spambot, so once the new countermeasures are in place we will be back to normal.

Updated: 22 Mar 2011 - Wiki registration has been re-enabled for now.

Wiki Version 2
Written by Delphi   
Sunday, 24 February 2008

As Im sure most of you will have realised the wiki formally known as www.nc-wiki.com has been moved permanently to http://wiki.techhaven.org and now falls under the banner of the Techhaven Network. This has enabled us to foster close links with the THN and Brammers has kindly developed a nice extension for the wiki.

Also since the wiki has moved a new facelift was in order, so a new skin has been developed by Delphi which fits in more with the neocron universe, and the Techhaven Network.

Any comments or suggestions can be posted here (Official forums) or here (Techhaven forums).

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