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Unarmed Ground Vehicles
Written by CMaster & BradSTL   
Basic Driving Mechanics

Use your vehicle once you have located it to enter. For anyone who has played UT2004, you should feel immediately at home. If not, you go into thrid person on entering the vehicle. For ground vehicles the controls are nice and simple. Foward drives the vehicle fowards, strafe left rotates left, strafe right turns right, backwards drives you backwards...

One note - don't take ground vehicles - even hovertecs - into water. They stop dead and reset to the ASG very quickly. To put your vehicle away, ensure it is in the same secttr as a warp garage, use the garage and select dismiss.

Unarmed Land Vehicle Directory
ER Chaincraft V.1
Driver Reqs: VHC:12 
Availability: ASG Vendors
Description: Its a tracked bike, cheap, slow but it beats walking. Actually costs more than the wheeler at ASG. Use is pretty rare.

Driver Reqs: VHC=15
Availability: Starter Quest Driver  
Description: Slightly slower than a Hovertec, and it corners just as fast and climbs every bit as well. A favoured way for most runners to get around, especially as if destroyed, it returns to the garage with a minimal repair cost.

ER Wheeler Speedbike V.1
Driver Reqs: VHC=15
Availability: ASG Vendor
Description: Faster and cheaper (from ASG) than the chaincraft. Still of limited use, but if you want a moderately fast and low requirements way of getting around, this is far from the worst way to travel. Climbs slightly worse than the chaincraft mind

ER Hovertec V.1
Driver Reqs: VHC:24
Availability: ASG Vendor
Description: Fastest land vehicle you can get. Hovers slightly above the ground and zips around at a pretty damn good pace. By far the most popular of the bikes as it can get you places fast.

HH Wheeler V.2
Driver Reqs: VHC:39
Passenger Seats: 1
Availability: ASG Vendor
Description: (a.k.a. "Barbie Car", "sports car") It gets a lot of abuse, but serves as a functional way to drive a freind around the map. Climbs  signifcantly worse than the 4x4 however.


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Titan 15 Online

Last updated Tue 21 Jan 2025 00:20 (UTC)

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